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This blog is v. blog-y. I post sporadically, am sporadically funny, and am most likely funny only when I'm not trying to be. So, be forewarned, and thanks for reading!


Thursday, March 31, 2005

Have you heard about this yet??

Hi guys! Okay, so my friend Maggie linked to this blog entry a few days ago, and I was bored, and I went and looked at it, and was immediately sucked into it, as I'm sure you will too, if you go take a look. Make sure to read the whole thing, not just the first entry, so you can see how the whole things plays out.
And then, after I read the whole thing, I'm like, "Um, wait, what the hell website is this anyway? Who's "A Week of Kindness"? So, I look at Meet AWOK, only to find that I probably know these people!! One of the people in the group is my friend Po-Po, and I am almost sure that I have met at least some of the people involved in the whole debaucle (which you will soon read about) at various gatherings of hers! So weird.
Okay, so take a look, tell me if you got sucked into the 'saga' (I'm serious. Comment! Please?). It's pretty hilarious, and really shows you how scarily powerful the internet is....whew.

A Week of Kindness Blog: Laura K. Krishna is a Plagiarist.


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