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This blog is v. blog-y. I post sporadically, am sporadically funny, and am most likely funny only when I'm not trying to be. So, be forewarned, and thanks for reading!


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

irrelevant updates! yes!

i have a confession to make...i was way too excited that "Lost" had a new episode tonight. and then, it proceeded to confuse the hell out of me and make me nervous and jumpy, per usual, but i thoroughly enjoyed it. are you people watching this show? it's good, i say.

alright, so, remember how i said i hate my car? well, apparently it hates me more, because according to Jean-Pierre at Pep Boys, the engine is basically dead, and to replace the engine would cost more than what the freakin' car is worth, so...i'm not quite sure what to do about that except be really annoyed and pissed off about it, which is definitely sooooo effective at solving the problem, right? so now i have an uber-expensive rental car that i can't afford, even with the 46% discount, but, it is a 200x (not sure which year) Sunfire, with a CD player, and it's silver. So, even though it's expensive and not in my budget to be renting the car, I have to say, I'm also kind of in love with the car, b/c it's like my old car that I left at home, except new, and silver, and with a CD player, and it doesn't start vibrating when I go 70 :o). in short, i am experiencing some cognitive dissonance. ah well...c'est la vie.

so, i was so proud of myself this morning, b/c I refused to get up at 7:15 like I needed to, and didn't get up until 7:45 and was still out the door at 8:15! How did I do that? I have no idea, but I was quite impressed, if I do say so myself. (Nevermind the fact that i forgot my cell phone, which i had to have today, so i had to come back home half way to where i was going and ended up being late anyway. ahem.)

hmm...i think this is boring. is this boring? yes. well, but the jokes really on you, since you're reading it :o).

time to see which Friends episode is on tonight! toodles.


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