I'm being productive, I swear.
hello! It's been awhile, but that's really because nothing very exciting has happened lately...
Well, I got all of my major papers out the way, which feels great, and now I just have two "debates" to do for my Couples class and my Adult Psychopathology class and a reaction paper (why do they assign reaction papers in grad school? It's a book report. Let's not front.) to hand in by Friday, and then I'm done!! And rest assured, people, I will be getting crazy drunk in celebration. :o)
Yeah, on Friday night I'm going to my friend Po-po's party in Brooklyn, and then on Saturday there's another party at my bf's job, which will probably be populated by a bunch of old people, but whatever, it's free, and there's live music and (open?) bar, so it'll be fun anyway. And I get to dress up for that one, and I like dressing up, so yay.
What else...well, I've been playing the Sims 2, which is a really addictive game, which is weird because it shouldn't really be so addictive, but it is! I think it's because I'm a psych person that I like playing a game where I'm controlling these little fake people with all sorts of issues. So, I guess it makes sense, really. I'm into people and how they think, so I like a game dealing with people and how they think. Yeah. Duh. (Do people still say 'duh'? I think I just slipped into being 12 for a minute. Please excuse!)
So, I should go. I'm sitting in the computer lab at school, pretending to print out my reading for this (last!) week of classes. Instead though, I bothered my bf's bro on AIM for awhile, and am now posting to this darling little blog. I need to get out of here and head to my practicum, where I need to turn in my notes for all of my sessions. There about a month late, I hope my supervisor doesn't chew me out. Oh well, I've got excuses. :o)
Love ya! I'll love you more if you comment!
Well, I got all of my major papers out the way, which feels great, and now I just have two "debates" to do for my Couples class and my Adult Psychopathology class and a reaction paper (why do they assign reaction papers in grad school? It's a book report. Let's not front.) to hand in by Friday, and then I'm done!! And rest assured, people, I will be getting crazy drunk in celebration. :o)
Yeah, on Friday night I'm going to my friend Po-po's party in Brooklyn, and then on Saturday there's another party at my bf's job, which will probably be populated by a bunch of old people, but whatever, it's free, and there's live music and (open?) bar, so it'll be fun anyway. And I get to dress up for that one, and I like dressing up, so yay.
What else...well, I've been playing the Sims 2, which is a really addictive game, which is weird because it shouldn't really be so addictive, but it is! I think it's because I'm a psych person that I like playing a game where I'm controlling these little fake people with all sorts of issues. So, I guess it makes sense, really. I'm into people and how they think, so I like a game dealing with people and how they think. Yeah. Duh. (Do people still say 'duh'? I think I just slipped into being 12 for a minute. Please excuse!)
So, I should go. I'm sitting in the computer lab at school, pretending to print out my reading for this (last!) week of classes. Instead though, I bothered my bf's bro on AIM for awhile, and am now posting to this darling little blog. I need to get out of here and head to my practicum, where I need to turn in my notes for all of my sessions. There about a month late, I hope my supervisor doesn't chew me out. Oh well, I've got excuses. :o)
Love ya! I'll love you more if you comment!
At 12:16 AM,
Isabelle said…
Oooh oooh, a comment!
Because I'm trying to be YOU, I started a blog too. Really, it's because I spend close to 90% of my time alone these days (that will change in the new year, so don't worry), and it's fun to pretend I have a readership (although currently I'm the only person who knows I have a blog).
Sorry I didn't get to see you when I was on the same (sane) coast last October, being a big shot. No ego boost better than taking your old profs out to a business lunch. It would have been really great to catch up and take notes (again, because I'm trying to be you).
As far as commenting on your actual blog, it is a little scary, considering your responsibilities, that one of the things you like about the Sims 2 is "controlling" the people. But, I'm going to stop being so literal minded, because it's dorky.
Also, I too like knowing people that other girls think are "lustable." Like the guy from my high school who had a recurring role on Nip/Tuck.
Oh, and I like dressing up too. If I get to wear a dress, I'm there. Sadly, the last time I got to wear a dress was in August.
Alright, back to work. You are a bad influence.
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