Warning: Top May Blow Off

This blog is v. blog-y. I post sporadically, am sporadically funny, and am most likely funny only when I'm not trying to be. So, be forewarned, and thanks for reading!


Thursday, December 02, 2004

sounds like a porn star's name

I'm dyeing my hair. As we speak. It's going to be "Brown Sable" (see title). Why am I dyeing my hair, you ask? Well, that's actually a pretty good question...I dunno, because I was at Wal-Mart looking for Anti-Freeze and bobby pins, so of course some permanent hairdye was right up there on the list! Also, I don't want to work, so what better way to procrastinate than by doing something spontaneous and slightly risky? And I feel less guilty doing this than doing the other thing I will undoubtedly do tonight as I ignore the three large assignments that I have left looming over my head. uh-huh.

Hmm...it's starting to tingle...I should probably go take care of that...


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