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This blog is v. blog-y. I post sporadically, am sporadically funny, and am most likely funny only when I'm not trying to be. So, be forewarned, and thanks for reading!


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

why do i update now?? (b/c i'm stupid.)

hi kids! it has been almost a month since i last posted, so i am almost certain that nobody ever looks at this blog anymore, but that's okay, really it is...i mean, after all, we do have lives to lead and all...
so, even though though i haven't posted in awhile, i have been thinking about posting, and have many things to comment on. I'm sure I'll get tired of commenting on all the things on my list before i get through the whole list (especially since it's almost 1am and I have to be up at 7:30--see post heading), so first, let me tell you the list, so that you can be intrigued and curious, and maybe leave a comment to let me know that someone actually is reading this!

List of things I want to comment on:
1) moving
2)dogs (toy malteses in particular) and sadness
3)high school bands
6)the beach
8)weird-ass dreams. no, seriously, they're freaky.

1)Okay, so we're moving to a new apartment in two weeks. In the same apt. complex, much to my chagrin, but it'll be on the 2nd floor, which will get rid of one of the huge reasons why i wanted to get the hell out of this apartment/apt. complex, the horribly loud people (and their children) who live upstairs. and i don't want to make it sound like i don't like children, or even loud people, because i have been both at one/several points in my life. but. they are so loud, and in weird ways, like dropping what sounds like a cement block on the floor, repeatedly, in the middle of the afternoon. Or doing what I am almost certain are laps around their bed at 7 am on the weekends. Or pacing right above my head, on the creakiest of creaky floor boards when I'm trying to sleep, again at 7 am. Or singing at the top of their lungs and very high register right outside of our poorly fitting front door with their equally high pitched friends for hours on end when I'm trying to do my reading...etc, etc., trust me the list goes on....so anyway, in two weeks, i will hopefully never again experience any of the afore-mentioned things.

2)So, the sad thing is, this apt. complex doesn't allow pets, and i was getting sooooo excited about moving out of here and to a place that allows pets so that i can get my beautiful little maltipoo puppy that I'm going to name "Baby" (don't tell Byron)...but, we're staying here, so no puppy. this saddens me endlessly. :o(

3)last week we went to see B's youngest brother's band concert, and it was bizarre, b/c it felt sooooooo familiar to me. I was in tons o' bands/orchestras in middle and high school and it made me miss being a musician...it also made me miss songs that are in tune, but that's another story. B's brother was good, though.

4)Ohmygod. Gilmore Girls finale. Amazing. I love that show. I'm finding myself hating Rory a little bit, due to jealousy that she has the uber-rich grandparents, the hip-but-caring mom, the uber-rich hot boyfriend, the girlish figure, and the luxury to take a year off from Yale and squat in said grandparents' swanky pool house. Yes, I said swanky pool house. Exactly. But, seeing as I'm jealous of a fictional character, I told myself to get over it and stop hating. I know i would NOT be complaining if that were me.
And the Lost finale. Ohmygod. I almost peed myself several times, and was totally engrossed. However, J.J. Abrams did a very tricky thing by answering/solving about zero of the mysteries and just making everything more confusing and stressful and anxiety-provoking. But I love it. He can yank my emotions around anyday.

5)nip/tuck is a good show. i like it. that is all.

6) i want to go to the beach. do you have a beach house? can i come to it? now?

7)i don't know what i wanted to say about weddings. except that in theory i'm going to have one, and am realizing that it will be fun and also terrible to plan the amazing affair that i'm cooking up in my subconcious mind, which also is apparently living in a world where money grows on the trees in our courtyard. oy.

8) oh the dreams. they deserve their own post, which i promise will be forthcoming, my dear reader. Let me just say that in the past 4 nights, i have dreamt about Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie dueling in a movie theater about who had a better Hello Kitty boombox, taking my dogs to the ob/gyn, a swanky affair with my parents, Lindsay Lohan, and Mona from Who's the Boss, and a bomb scare involving a bus, an airport, and my grandmother. Oh, also a clogged chimney that tried to drown my fiance in tar. Oh, and the Amazing Race, which I was running with my mom, my grandmother, and a Latina woman I'd never seen before. Are you intrigued? Confused? Scared? Tired? Yeah, me too.


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