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This blog is v. blog-y. I post sporadically, am sporadically funny, and am most likely funny only when I'm not trying to be. So, be forewarned, and thanks for reading!


Thursday, June 16, 2005

hot people

so, as you'll notice, I changed the title of my blog, thought I'd switch it up a bit, you know, live on the edge...i find that real-life phrase, which can be found...well, it'll be more fun if you try to figure what it's from, but anyway, i find it v. funny, i'm not sure why. do you think it's funny? wait. i don't care. :o)
so, i forgot to tell y'all that i saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith last weekend. It was good, I enjoyed it, and not just b/c I found myself at times mesmerized by how hot Angelina and Brad are. I mean, really, they are incredibly good-looking people, I now totally see how their whole sordid affair began. I mean, they're hot, super-hot, and are running around sweating and holding guns. Duh.
But seriously, it's an entertaining movie, even aside from the eye-candy...
now, on the flip side, I was reading this month's Marie Claire (which actually has Angelina on the cover...I swear I'm not obsessed!) and I was reading this article on plastic surgery in China? Apparently it is the norm to get your eyes and nose done. And not just done, done to look like a "westerner" (read: white person). Women actually don't get hired for good paying jobs unless they've made themselves look less Chinese, and this one woman 'won' a contest for the "ugliest person" (and honestly, she was sooooo not ugly, not even close to being close to ugly) and was given $17K worth of surgery, and her boyfriend, her boyfriend, said to her "Don't worry, there's no way you can look uglier after the surgery"!!! I mean, ohmygod!! What is wrong with people?? And then there's a pageant just for people who've had plastic surgery done, and apparently it's like 100 times worse than "The Swan" if you can believe that...That article really shocked me...I don't think I'm doing it justice since I'm half asleep, so just go find a Marie Claire and read it. Seriously, it makes you realize how lucky we really are in this country, even with all the crap going on here...*sigh*
alright, again why am i posting now?? ugh. bye.


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