Captain Anne Kidd speaking...arrrrrrr!
Haha!! So, I'm writing my Prof. Developmental final, which means I'm obviously also surfing the web, and I found this girl's blog that's called "Alecia, with an E (the way it should be)" and felt immediately compelled to correct the poor girl's obvious error, but I didn't, and instead found a link to a quiz that tells you your pirate name! Fun! (Also, kinda stupid, but IMHO that's what makes anything fun, really.)
So, if I were to drop everything and become a pirate, Anne Kidd would be my name. Not could be a little sexier, but, at least I'm a captain. That's pretty sexy. ;o) What's My Pirate Name?
So, if I were to drop everything and become a pirate, Anne Kidd would be my name. Not could be a little sexier, but, at least I'm a captain. That's pretty sexy. ;o) What's My Pirate Name?
At 5:52 PM,
Isabelle said…
Dirty Ethel Flint reportin'. Ye kin be my cap'n whene'er ye want, arrrr.
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